Tuesday, September 8, 2009

morning sickness

So, I am pregnant. For the third time. That sounds kind of crazy, but then i remember all the huge families that i know and the huge families throughout time, and i guess it doesn't sound freakish :) In a lot of ways, this pregnancy is not the "big deal" that the other two, especially the first were. that sounds bad. i don't mean big deal in the exciting, miraculous sort of way, but big deal in the "whoa, i have never done this before. what's going to happen" way. my body feels like it knows what to do, and for the most part, what will happen. each pregnancy is different for sure, but when you i feel a certain kind of pain, i'm like, okay, i know what that is. it's comforting to have gone through it before (twice). i am extremely happy and excited about this new baby. i am excited for a whole new person coming to join our family, a new genetic combination, a whole new set of snuggles and smiles and all the amazing firsts that come with a new baby. of course, i am also really excited about the possibility of having a girl. i know that is probably a long shot, already having two boys, but it would be so fun to have a little girl to share that really girly side of myself. i also have to admit that having a new baby is scary. it's scary at the times when my boys are being super loud and obnoxious, when i can barely handle the two of them. i wonder if i can balance it all. if i can take someone to kindergarten and potty train another, and breast feed and sleep train another.... that's a lot! it helps that i have wonderful friends like jen and kristen, who are examples of great moms with three kids. that's comforts me. i know that God's timing is always the best, and that getting pregnant is really a miracle. i am grateful for another opportunity, and i know that God is stretching and growing me through this time, and the many years of motherhood. i just want to put those fears out there too.

we just started a MOPS group at church - a time for moms of pre-schoolers to come together once a month for fellowship and time to be women. when we were planning, one goal i had for us as a group was transparency. i feel like that is something we often aren't as moms - transparent about our fears, our shortcomings, our frustrations. this is a really hard job, and of course i am going to share my joys and proud moments, but it's also so necessary to share the other side.

for the past few days i have been feeling so nauseous! i am so fortunate to not be someone who barfs for months. i never have, but i have the most intense nausea right now - like the room is spinning, and i can't move :( ugh. this is especially hard when i have two boys running around being crazy. ugh. i think when the weather changes, that will majorly help things, but for now, i'm feeling a little stir-crazy and sick.


E. Merritt said...

Oh, my goodness. Congrats Heather! When is baby #3 due?

heather keenan said...

in april. thanks! i was actually just catching up on your blog. how are things going there?

Maggie Carrillo said...

Heather congratulations!! So happy for you. Rooting for a girl! The boys are so cute I know she would be a doll

Bethany said...

What wonderful news! I totally agree. Life is a miracle, and God has a plan for this baby and the rest of your family. I can't wait to cheer you on through out this whole time. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats- that is so exciting!! Ae you going to find out what you are having? I can't wait to hear!!

B. Leu said...

I'm enjoying your blog, Heather, you write well. It's always hard to be transparent as a mom b/c you feel guilty complaining about a blessing but all moms understand, I applaud you for stepping out there. As a mom of three you will be an official expert! I can only comment on our family but your children's grandmother, Nan ahd a third girl and so did Aunt Becky so you never know! I'll pray for yours and the baby's health as well as a girl! Congrats! Love you all! Aunt Beth

heather keenan said...

thanks, kate! i am most definitely going to be finding out! of course. if i have a girl, i will go crazy preparing, and if i have a boy, i would much rather know early, and get used to it.

heather keenan said...

thanks so much, beth. i didn't know you read my blog, and i appreciate the compliment. i love to write, and actually started this so that my skills weren't completely eroding! i agree, so many people don't want to seem negative when talking about parenthood, but it's like marriage. let's be real. if you're in it, find solidarity in the struggle of others, and if you're not, maybe it's good to hear about the whole package, not just the happy moments. i am hoping for that keenan/carson gender trend!

Jennifer said...

I can't wait to see this new combination :)

Glad you're writing again, had stopped checking so frequently and thought, whoa, I've got a lot to read!!