Wednesday, September 9, 2009


it's amazing how a thunderstorm sounds after months and months of drought. i'm assuming that in places like seattle, you don't even notice rain anymore, or are, perhaps, sick of it. i am the opposite. we have had so many days of 100 plus degree weather, and no rain, that to me, thunder is about one of the sweetest things i can hear now. lovely, lovely rain. i also love how my house is darker and cosy. i am welcoming the darkness, and even a slight drop in temperature.

it's good to be back on here writing again. i think i said it in my first post after ben went back, but i really forgot about needing this outlet when he was home with me all the time. the need to hear or see myself think. the need to connect with other adults. being a mom can be isolating at times. it's funny, because i actually have lots of mom friends, and seem to have more and more interaction with them as my kids get older, but as our schedules tighten and activities multiply, it can also feel like you're on your own particular little island during the day. i'm not feeling depressed, just commenting.

my little man, finn, is rapidly changing. he is 18 months now, and forging through a major period of development. it's a little alarming. in the past month, he has gotten 9 or 10 new teeth, has increased his traveling speed (running around the house a lot), and is feeling his struggle for independence. 18 months is also the time when a kid's vocabulary is vastly multiply. it's interesting to see all of that play out. he is starting sentences. he's saying no all the time just because he can. he is fighting to have his own way, yet retreating to my arms in exhaustion of all the change. isn't it amazing to see how they change. i understand it a lot more this time around. i remember reading that at 18 months, a child actually begins to realize that they are not part of your body. crazy!

well, we are off to pick up nolan at school. all for now.

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